Wednesday, February 7, 2007

I can dare to dream right??

My Dream love,

I am just doing my usual day to day things when i notice someone. Everything is in a haze and goes like a blur but i cant help but keep this someone in focus, Their eyes are immaculate and are being complimented by the surroundings be it sun or light. The way they do things make me love them more. I long to know what their name is. By some off chance or strange coincidence they approach me and we both look at eachother as if we were meant to be sorta thing. There are no words just purely actions. I think words could spoil everything about them. I would go home thinking about them. Wondering if i will ever see them again, wondering if they were wondering about me to. Living in a doubt as to if we will meet again by some odd circumstances.

This is what i wait for in life. What i would percieve as that thing people spend a lifetime for, True love. It has happened before. I wish i got their name. It could of been so easy.

I was sitting waiting for my bus back to mandurah. I seen them with a friend of theirs, They were beautiful. Beautiful lips, Lucious eyes and lovely hair. At the time i didnt relise it though. I wanted to get their name but didnt know how. Suddenly a friend came and sat next to me. We started talking about past incidents and mindless chatter. I just wanted them to go so i could approach this person i seemed to have been lusting for. They left too late. I had to go on my bus by the time they finally left me. I was really dissapointed. I got on the bus and sat down (as a normal person would do) but subtly beating myself up for not approaching this person. Would i ever see them again? Was this a one off thing? I was so pissed off with myself.

The bus was leaving in 3minutes. As i sat by the window watching the world go by they ran down the stairs with their friend and got on my bus. It was my luck, my second wind if u must. They sat down at the back of the bus. I was parked in the middle. I thought i would get up and talk to them. But once again i listened to my head and not my heart and decided it was best not to. I didnt want to come off as a creep. As they walked past me as the left the bus at their stop, they accidently bumped my head and woke me up. One last gaze at their face as they apoligized and that was them for possibly the rest of my life. I watched them as the bus passed. We both looked at eachother. It was as if we kinda felt the same. I wish i had another chance.

I been trying to find them since. Trying to recognise them in a crowd is hard though. I purposely missed busses at one stage in a hope to find them and catch the bus with them again. But i havent seen them since.

Im just another hopeless romantic...

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