Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Things are looking better...

I week or so has passed since i last blogged. Things are still the same but there is a glimour of hope and i think things may get better...

Im coping with Mandurah Campus a bit better. I have some people to talk to during class now which is a hell bonus, but i still have noone to hang out with. Im not doing so well physically though. I have lost weight and im starting to worry about myself. Maybe it was because i was to intimidated to go the canteen at school alone or maybe i am just too busy thinking about other things then to bother about eating. I wasnt really aware i lost weight until one of my mums friend told me. I took a look at an old photo and relised how much weight i had lost in my face and torso. It scares me sumtimes. I think dying of starvation would be a horrible way of dying. I dunno why but maybe how i percieve myself is totally different to how other would look at me. Maybe i see myself as being a normal figure and looking okay but maybe thats cause its what i want to see. If someone bar myself was to look at me i wonder if i would look the same?? just some wierd thoughts i know but hey..

I have met some pretty kewl people over the past week. My english class i would have to say is by far one of my favourites. Its probably one of the only classes i feel completely comfortable in. I met a pretty kewl dude in there who lives kinda close. He has good taste of music but he is more just a laugh if anything. He is hell tanned though, he makes me look like reflex paper compared to him. I have also volunteered to work for Peel Music Foundation. At first i thought what a stupid idea but it seems to be an okay thing to get into. The people there are really nice and out-going to. I was complimented on a placebo shirt i wore at school aswell.. thats seriously made my week.

I think my personality is slowly changing now that im in mandurah. I used to be soo out-going and flamboyant and just a total nut but in mandurah im completely subdued and afraid to come off as a complete dickhead. I miss my old friends, i wish i could see them a little more. It seems the annoying little quirky thing and traits each of them had are what i miss the most at the moment. It sound so cleche but its true. I miss the way we used to argue and play fight, the way we spoke to each other all our little inside jokes even the way we bitched. I sometimes wonder why we moved to mandurah at all. We originally done it because we were thinking it would be a good change. I dunno maybe it is and im still just adapting to it.

Time will tell...

1 comment:

Liza said...

Liam, I'm worried about you.
I can't wait to see you at the ball.
You were so amazingly cheerful at Leeming!!! Remember to eat and try to think positive. You won't die of starvation, we'll make sure to fatten you up with extra meals at the ball :P

I'll text you tomorrow.
We all miss you tons.
